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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

What Factors Determine Non-Compete Enforcement?

In business law, non-compete agreements are common tools used by employers to protect their interests, trade secrets, and workforce stability. These agreements prevent employees from engaging in activities that could harm the business after their employment ends.
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

Understanding Tribal Sovereignty in Business Transactions

Tribal sovereignty is a vital yet often misunderstood concept, particularly in the context of business transactions. For individuals and businesses operating in Washington, understanding tribal sovereignty can help facilitate successful and respectful engagements with tribal nations.
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

How Do Child Support Modifications Work After Job Changes?

Child support is a financial obligation set to help make sure that children’s needs are met after their parents separate or divorce. In Washington, like in many other states, this obligation is based on both parents’ income, among other factors.
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

An Intro to Riders in Real Estate Purchases and Sales

Riders, also known as addendums, are additional clauses or provisions attached to the main contract to modify or supplement the terms of the agreement. Whether you’re buying or selling a property, understanding the role of riders is essential for making sure that your interests are adequately protected.
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

Your Rights During a Government Land Seizure

Government land seizures, known as eminent domain, can be intimidating as property owners. When the government takes property for public use, you have specific rights and protections under both state and federal law.
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

How to Buy a Foreclosed Home

Buying a foreclosed home in Washington can be an appealing option for those looking to purchase real estate at a potentially lower price. Foreclosures often present unique opportunities for buyers willing to work through the process, but they also come with specific challenges and legal considerations.
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

Divorcing a Controlling Spouse

Divorce is challenging under any circumstances, but ending a marriage with a controlling spouse adds layers of complexity that can make the process even more difficult. In Washington State, the law aims to ensure that both parties can transition out of the marriage fairly, protecting the rights and well-being of each individual involved.
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC 

Can My Ex Stop Working in Order to Stop Child Support?

In Washington State, both parents are legally obligated to financially support for their children, regardless of changes in employment or personal circumstances. But what happens if your ex decides to quit their job or significantly reduce their income? Can this action legally terminate their child support obligations?
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Curiale Hostnik PLLC

Sole Custody vs. Joint Custody

When parents who share children are faced with a divorce or separation, they have to address the complicated and deeply emotional matter of child custody. The custody arrangement you choose (or the court chooses for you) will dictate your involvement in your child’s life for years to come.
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