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Divorcing a Controlling Spouse 

Curiale Hostnik PLLC July 18, 2024

Divorce is challenging under any circumstances, but ending a marriage with a controlling spouse adds layers of emotional hardship that can make the process even more difficult. In Washington State, the law aims to ensure that both parties can transition out of the marriage fairly, protecting the rights and well-being of each individual involved. 

Recognizing Control Tactics

Controlling behavior can manifest in various ways, from financial control to emotional manipulation. Common tactics include: 

  • Isolating you from friends and family 

  • Monitoring your activities excessively 

  • Restricting access to finances  

  • Criticizing or belittling your decisions 

If you recognize these behaviors in your spouse, it's key to understand that these tactics are not just emotionally damaging but can also impact the legal proceedings of your divorce.  

Legal Protections Against Controlling Spouses

Washington State provides several measures to protect individuals from controlling or abusive partners. It's crucial to know these protections so you can make informed decisions: 

  1. Protection Orders: If you feel threatened, a protection order can restrict your spouse from contacting you and provide temporary custody arrangements. 

  1. Temporary Orders: These can address immediate concerns like spousal support and child custody while your divorce is pending. 

  1. Financial Transparency: The court can mandate full disclosure of financial assets to prevent your controlling spouse from hiding resources. 

Consulting with legal professionals skilled in handling cases involving controlling behaviors can ensure that you leverage these protections effectively.  

Steps to Take When Divorcing a Controlling Spouse

  1. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a support network of friends, family, and professionals who understand and can help you navigate this emotionally demanding time. 

  1. Document Everything: Keep meticulous records of any controlling behaviors, financial transactions, and communications. This documentation can be vital in court. 

  1. Hire an Experienced Attorney: Work with a divorce lawyer who has experience dealing with cases involving controlling spouses. They can guide you through the process and advocate for your rights. 

Financial and Emotional Considerations 

Divorcing a controlling spouse often involves complex financial entanglements. Here are a few considerations: 

  • Separate Finances: Open personal accounts and begin the process of separating your finances from your spouse. 

  • Evaluate Assets: Ensure all marital assets are identified and fairly evaluated. This may require forensic accounting. 

  • Emotional Well-being: Engage with a therapist to manage the emotional toll of leaving a controlling relationship. Professional support can help you rebuild your sense of self-worth and independence. 

Child Custody with a Controlling Spouse

Custody arrangements can be particularly contentious with a controlling ex-partner. The court prioritizes the child's best interests and will consider factors that could impact their well-being, including any controlling behavior of a parent.  

Key Actions: 

  • Evidence of Behavior: Present evidence to the court about the controlling behavior and its impact on the children. 

  • Parenting Plans: Develop a detailed parenting plan that outlines custody and visitation schedules, minimizing the potential for further control issues. 


1. How can I safely leave a controlling spouse? 

Leaving a controlling spouse can be risky, so it's essential to develop a safety plan. This plan might include finding a secure place to stay, having important documents and essentials ready, and discreetly seeking the advice of a legal professional. Ensuring that your spouse is unaware of your plans until you are safely away can significantly reduce the risk of confrontation or retaliation. 

2. What if my controlling spouse defies court orders? 

If your spouse defies court orders, such as protection orders or temporary custody arrangements, you should report these violations to your attorney and the authorities immediately. Non-compliance with court orders can lead to legal consequences for your spouse, including fines or potential jail time, and it may also impact the court’s decisions on custody and asset division. 

3. Can I request a mental health evaluation for my controlling spouse? 

Yes, you can request a mental health evaluation if you believe your spouse's behavior may be harmful to you or your children. The court may order an evaluation to assess the psychological state of your spouse, which can influence decisions regarding custody and visitation rights. 

Moving Forward 

Breaking free from a controlling relationship is a courageous step towards reclaiming your life. While the path is undoubtedly challenging, taking proactive measures and seeking professional legal and emotional support can lead to a healthier, more autonomous future. 

Seeking Skilled Legal Counsel

At Curiale Hostnik PLLC, we understand the unique difficulties of divorcing a controlling spouse. Located in Puyallup, Washington, our family law firm serves clients throughout Pierce County, including Puyallup, Sumner, Bonney Lake, Tacoma, Gig Harbor, University Place, Spanaway, and Lakewood. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to advocating for your rights and guiding you through every step of the process. 

Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Let us help you through your divorce, advocating for your well-being and the best possible outcome for your future.